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Access Essential ORC Resources
Collaborative initiatives and data-driven insights for combating organized retail crime
Law Enforcement, Investigation and Prosecution
Policy updates, advocacy resources, and law enforcement guides to effectively address organized retail crime at all levels
M O R E →
Training and Events
Essential training resources, courses, and industry events to enhance your knowledge and response to organized retail crime
M O R E →
Technology and Tools
Cutting-edge technology and practical insights for safeguarding your business and community
M O R E →
ORC Laws, Regulations, and Potential Enhancements
Collaborative initiatives and data-driven insights for combating organized retail crime
M O R E →
Industry Associations
Dedicated to supporting retail interests, sharing resources, and collaborating on strategies to combat organized retail crime
M O R E →

How Does ORC Impact You?
We understand that organized retail crime affects everyone differently - That’s why our resources are customized to your specific needs

Easily Connect Your Audience to Essential ORC Resources with Our Link Building Button

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Resources for Retailers
Download the Materials

The Impact of Organized Retail Crime and Product Theft in the United States
This analysis will focus on product theft from brick-and-mortar retailers, notably stolen consumer goods either shoplifted for personal use, or financial gain.
D O W N L O A D →
Addressing Places in Seattle Where Overdoses and Crime are Concentrated: An Evidence-Based Approach
A new report looks at where drugs and crime are most prevalent in Seattle and ways the city could better tackle the issues.
D O W N L O A D →
High Utilizer Initiative – Seattle City Attorney’s Office – 2023
One year in review.
D O W N L O A D →
U.S. Retail Crime Insights Report
When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not enough to know that rates have increased or decreased
D O W N L O A D →
Detecting and Reporting the Illicit Financial Flows Tied to Organized Theft Groups (OTG) and ORC
A comprehensive educational guide for law enforcement and financial crime investigators.
D O W N L O A D →
Crime in Washington 2023 Annual Report – Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)
Publication based on crime statistic data submitted from Washington law enforcement agencies.
D O W N L O A D →
2024 Washington State Attorney Generals Survey of Online Marketplaces
This analysis will focus on product theft from brick-and-mortar retailers, notably stolen consumer goods either shoplifted for personal use, or financial gain.
D O W N L O A D →
Organizing a Public-Private Partnership to Defeat Organized Retail Crime
A Challenge Seattle Report - October 2024
D O W N L O A D →
Guide to Navigating Public Safety & Retail Crime
Guide equips businesses of all sizes with practical tips and best practices to safeguard employees, customers, and establishment.
D O W N L O A D →
City of Seattle Auditor’s Report on ORC – 2023
Report outlines seven steps for improving the city’s approach to ORC.
D O W N L O A D →
WA Attorney General's Evidence Checklist for Organized Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime and theft related cases.
D O W N L O A D →
King County Prosecuting Attorney Office Evidence Checklist for Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime cases
D O W N L O A D →
ORC Laws and Regulations
Legislation and Data-Driven Insights to Combat Organized Retail Crime
V I S I T →
Resource Links

Senate Bill 5536 - Criminalizing the Possession and Use of Drugs - Overturning the Blake Decision - Effective August 2023
V I S I T →
Senate Bill 5056 - Increasing Penalties for Repeat or Habitual Offenders (2024 Not Passed)
V I S I T →
Federal - Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces - INFORM Act – Effective June 2023
V I S I T →
RILA-NDAA's Resource Library
The RILA-NDAA Resource Library is a collaborative effort to accelerate best practice sharing between retailers and prosecutors.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2023
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2022
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
Retail Crime Data Center - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Highlighting the serious impact of criminal organizations on American business and society.
V I S I T →
Store Walk Initiative
Retail National Store Walk Initiative fosters connections between retailers and local prosecutors.
V I S I T →
Resources for Law Enforcement

Resource Links
NRF Survey 2022
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →

Download the Materials
Spokane County, Spokane police set to launch program aimed at organized retail crime
Spokane police and county prosecutors may soon receive some reinforcements in combating retail crime.
D O W N L O A D →
Addressing Places in Seattle Where Overdoses and Crime are Concentrated: An Evidence-Based Approach
A new report looks at where drugs and crime are most prevalent in Seattle and ways the city could better tackle the issues.
D O W N L O A D →
U.S. Retail Crime Insights Report
When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not enough to know that rates have increased or decreased
D O W N L O A D →
Detecting and Reporting the Illicit Financial Flows Tied to Organized Theft Groups (OTG) and ORC
A comprehensive educational guide for law enforcement and financial crime investigators.
D O W N L O A D →
Organizing a Public-Private Partnership to Defeat Organized Retail Crime
A Challenge Seattle Report - October 2024
D O W N L O A D →
Guide to Navigating Public Safety & Retail Crime
Guide equips businesses of all sizes with practical tips and best practices to safeguard employees, customers, and establishment.
D O W N L O A D →
WA Attorney General's Evidence Checklist for Organized Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime and theft related cases.
D O W N L O A D →
King County Prosecuting Attorney Office Evidence Checklist for Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime cases
D O W N L O A D →
Resources for Community Stakeholders

Resource Links
Senate Bill 5536 - Criminalizing the Possession and Use of Drugs - Overturning the Blake Decision - Effective August 2023
V I S I T →
Senate Bill 5056 - Increasing Penalties for Repeat or Habitual Offenders (2024 Not Passed)
V I S I T →
RILA-NDAA's Resource Library
The RILA-NDAA Resource Library is a collaborative effort to accelerate best practice sharing between retailers and prosecutors.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2023
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2022
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
Retail Crime Data Center - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Highlighting the serious impact of criminal organizations on American business and society.
V I S I T →
Store Walk Initiative
Retail National Store Walk Initiative fosters connections between retailers and local prosecutors.
V I S I T →
Resource Links

Download the Materials
U.S. Retail Crime Insights Report
When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not enough to know that rates have increased or decreased
D O W N L O A D →
Crime in Washington 2023 Annual Report – Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)
Publication based on crime statistic data submitted from Washington law enforcement agencies.
D O W N L O A D →
Organizing a Public-Private Partnership to Defeat Organized Retail Crime
A Challenge Seattle Report - October 2024
D O W N L O A D →
Guide to Navigating Public Safety & Retail Crime
Guide equips businesses of all sizes with practical tips and best practices to safeguard employees, customers, and establishment.
D O W N L O A D →
WA Attorney General's Evidence Checklist for Organized Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime and theft related cases.
D O W N L O A D →
Resources for Policy Development & Advocacy
Resource Links

Senate Bill 5536 - Criminalizing the Possession and Use of Drugs - Overturning the Blake Decision - Effective August 2023
V I S I T →
Senate Bill 5056 - Increasing Penalties for Repeat or Habitual Offenders (2024 Not Passed)
V I S I T →
Store Walk Initiative
Retail National Store Walk Initiative fosters connections between retailers and local prosecutors.
V I S I T →

Download the Materials
High Utilizer Initiative – Seattle City Attorney’s Office – 2023
One year in review.
D O W N L O A D →
U.S. Retail Crime Insights Report
When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not enough to know that rates have increased or decreased
D O W N L O A D →
Detecting and Reporting the Illicit Financial Flows Tied to Organized Theft Groups (OTG) and ORC
A comprehensive educational guide for law enforcement and financial crime investigators.
D O W N L O A D →
Organizing a Public-Private Partnership to Defeat Organized Retail Crime
A Challenge Seattle Report - October 2024
D O W N L O A D →
Guide to Navigating Public Safety & Retail Crime
Guide equips businesses of all sizes with practical tips and best practices to safeguard employees, customers, and establishment.
D O W N L O A D →
City of Seattle Auditor’s Report on ORC – 2023
Report outlines seven steps for improving the city’s approach to ORC.
D O W N L O A D →
WA Attorney General's Evidence Checklist for Organized Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime and theft related cases.
D O W N L O A D →
King County Prosecuting Attorney Office Evidence Checklist for Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime cases
D O W N L O A D →
ORC Laws and Regulations
Legislation and Data-Driven Insights to Combat Organized Retail Crime
V I S I T →
Resources for Elected Officials

Resources Links
Senate Bill 5536 - Criminalizing the Possession and Use of Drugs - Overturning the Blake Decision - Effective August 2023
V I S I T →
Senate Bill 5056 - Increasing Penalties for Repeat or Habitual Offenders (2024 Not Passed)
V I S I T →
Federal - Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces - INFORM Act – Effective June 2023
V I S I T →
RILA-NDAA's Resource Library
The RILA-NDAA Resource Library is a collaborative effort to accelerate best practice sharing between retailers and prosecutors.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2023
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
NRF Survey 2022
NRF’s National Retail Security Survey of retail loss prevention professionals.
V I S I T →
Retail Crime Data Center - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Highlighting the serious impact of criminal organizations on American business and society.
V I S I T →
Store Walk Initiative
Retail National Store Walk Initiative fosters connections between retailers and local prosecutors.
V I S I T →
Download the Materials

The Impact of Organized Retail Crime and Product Theft in the United States
This analysis will focus on product theft from brick-and-mortar retailers, notably stolen consumer goods either shoplifted for personal use, or financial gain.
D O W N L O A D →
Addressing Places in Seattle Where Overdoses and Crime are Concentrated: An Evidence-Based Approach
A new report looks at where drugs and crime are most prevalent in Seattle and ways the city could better tackle the issues.
D O W N L O A D →
High Utilizer Initiative – Seattle City Attorney’s Office – 2023
One year in review.
D O W N L O A D →
U.S. Retail Crime Insights Report
When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not enough to know that rates have increased or decreased
D O W N L O A D →
Detecting and Reporting the Illicit Financial Flows Tied to Organized Theft Groups (OTG) and ORC
A comprehensive educational guide for law enforcement and financial crime investigators.
D O W N L O A D →
Crime in Washington 2023 Annual Report – Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)
Publication based on crime statistic data submitted from Washington law enforcement agencies.
D O W N L O A D →
2024 Washington State Attorney Generals Survey of Online Marketplaces
This analysis will focus on product theft from brick-and-mortar retailers, notably stolen consumer goods either shoplifted for personal use, or financial gain.
D O W N L O A D →
Organizing a Public-Private Partnership to Defeat Organized Retail Crime
A Challenge Seattle Report - October 2024
D O W N L O A D →
Guide to Navigating Public Safety & Retail Crime
Guide equips businesses of all sizes with practical tips and best practices to safeguard employees, customers, and establishment.
D O W N L O A D →
City of Seattle Auditor’s Report on ORC – 2023
Report outlines seven steps for improving the city’s approach to ORC.
D O W N L O A D →
WA Attorney General's Evidence Checklist for Organized Retail Crime
Checklist to prosecute retail crime and theft related cases.
D O W N L O A D →
ORC Laws and Regulations
Legislation and Data-Driven Insights to Combat Organized Retail Crime